Saturday, October 3, 2009

Prayer Letter September 2009

September 28, 2009

Dear Pastor and Friends,

Since our last letter we have been in churches in Massachusetts, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, and back in New England.

During the Missions Conference at Fairview Baptist Church in Kansas City, KS, a couple surrendered their lives for full time service. Also, Fairview Baptist planted a new church on September 20, 2009. We helped pass out nearly 25,000 John and Romans, along with invitations to the new church. I also had the privilege of preaching during the “get acquainted” meetings. A special thanks to the Pastor and people of Jonesboro Baptist Church in Jonesboro, AR, for inviting me to preach at their Missions Emphasis Sunday. They raised an extra $100.00 per week for missions.

I preached at New Hope Baptist Church in Lynn, MA (Metro Boston) on Wednesday night, September 23. What a blessing to be in the same vicinity where we planted a church over 30 years ago. Three ladies we led to the Lord during those years at Tabernacle Baptist Church in Peabody, MA came to the service to see us. We enjoyed a great evening of fellowship.

The Missions conference at Heritage Baptist Church in Berlin, NH, concluded last night and was a blessing. Many decisions were made in the area of surrender, commitment to missions, and soul-winning. Also I preached twice in the NH state prison where Pastor Hoyt is the chaplain. Many came forward making decisions during the invitation.
We will be flying out of Manchester, NH, tomorrow, September 29, for Tabora, Tanzania. After traveling over 28 hours we will be met by missionaries Tim and Kim Whitfield. We are excited about spending October and November in East Africa working alongside this great missionary family. A number of special meetings are planned. Pray for souls to be saved, as well as Christians to be challenged

Our daughter has set up a “blog” site for us. Please look at it. She will keep it updated as we send pictures and information from Tanzania. Also, we will still be able to receive our e-mail. Both the blog and our e-mail addresses are listed above.
We have enclosed a few of our new prayer cards. If you need more, please let us know. I hope they remind you that we need your prayers as we continue to follow our blessed Lord.

Thanks for Your Friendship and Encouragement,
David and Sharron Smith

1 comment:

  1. we are praising the Lord that you and your wife arrived safely. I still dont know how all this "blogging" works and if you are even getting our messages...can someone explain it all to us?


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