Tuesday, December 29, 2009

December Prayer Letter

Dear Friends,

Hello to all of you from the good ole USA. We trust you are rejoicing at the Good News of the birth of the blessed Son of God. I know this is a busy time of year for all of you, so I’ll make this brief and right to the point.

We just returned from a 9 week trip to the field of Tanzania, Africa. We had the privilege of assisting missionaries Tim and Kim Whitfield. What a great work the Lord has established through this dedicated couple. Here is a brief summary of all we were pleased to be involved in during this mission trip: Over 25 salvations; 9 baptisms; many decisions made; preached in 3 villages; organized Tabora Baptist Temple and ordained a Tanzania man to pastor the church; passed out hundreds of Swahili tracts (5 people on the airplane read the tracts, gave them back to me after they accepted the Lord. The missionaries will follow up on them.); preached the Missions Conference at Tabora Baptist Temple; taught sessions at the Bible Institute on the topics of Personal Holiness, Eternal Security, and Spiritual Gifts.

Please continue to pray for us as we move into 2010. We do deeply desire to be used of the Lord to be a blessing wherever He may lead us. Please let me know if you have a special need that we could assist you with in the coming year. We very much value you and your ministry, and thank you for being a part of ours. Sharron and I wish you a very Merry Christmas and may the Dear Lord give each of us a fruitful and blessed New Year as we serve the Master.

Glory to the Soon Coming King!

Bro. David Smith

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Back in America!!

We arrived in Manchester, New Hampshire Saturday night December 5th after 32 hours on airplanes or in airports. I preached in Manchester Sunday morning and in Berlin Sunday evening. We left New Hampshire on Tuesday and arrived at our front door Tuesday evening. Thank you so much for praying for our safety.

The 9 weeks in Tanzania were a blessing. We saw people saved, baptized and many decisions made.

Our time with missionaries Tim and Kim Whitfield was great. We certainly appreciate the hospitality.

We will keep you updated here on the blog so be sure to keep "logging in". Our December letter will be posted soon.

We love you and may His birth be more precious than ever before.

Pastor Smith

Friday, December 4, 2009

On the way home.....

Dear Pastors and Friends,
I just received a short email from my mom and here is part of it..

“flew from Mwanza to Dar es Salaam Thursday night. Dad led 4 Tanzanians to the Lord on the airplane using Swahili tracts. We have been without phone and internet for 8 days. We will fly out of Dar es Salaam Saturday morning at 1:00 A.M., go to Amsterdam, then Detroit and arrive in Manchester, NH at 7:30 P.M. Saturday evening. After going to church in CT on Sunday and visiting with the Hoyt family, flight to Little Rock will arrive Tuesday evening.”

My brother, I and our families appreciate very much all of your prayers for their safe travels and good health. I know they will have some wonderful stories and pictures to share of their 2 month ministry in Tabora, Tanzania!


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