Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hello from Sharron

Hello from Tanzania,

It is Tuesday afternoon about 5:15. I have 40 minutes to get this typed and emailed. So all my typos should be excused. HA! HA!

Today was the first day of the Bible Institute in October. The preacher said it went fine. It took him and Tim 2 hours to get through the first lesson. They took a break, changed their tactics and they got through the next 3 lessons in 2 hours. They are excited about tomorrow and what (and how) they will be teaching. They will have 4 hours tomorrow and 4 hours Thursday. I took a picture today but I am not sending it. Let’s just say the lighting wasn’t good. HA! HA! I will take more pictures and you will get to see these national pastors and preacher boys. Some came on the bus or train and are bunking at the church. A lady at the church is preparing meals for them.

The reason I am in such a hurry is because the electricity goes off from 6:00 P.M. until 10:00 P.M. every Tuesday and Thursday. The computer has to be turned off, unplugged, etc. There is a generator here at the house. It will keep the refrigerator and freezer going. We can turn on some lights but not many at the same time. The preacher and I have only done this once, last Thursday night, so we are not experienced yet. But by the news we heard last night - we will be experienced before we leave Tanzania.

The entire country of Tanzania has a water shortage, which means an electricity shortage. Last night they announced that the electricity will go off every morning at 7:00 A.M. and will not come back on until 10:00 P.M. each night. This is suppose to start next Monday and will continue through November. We are going to enjoy every light we have until then. There are two things we are praying for. #1 Rain - so there will water to run the hydro power to produce electricity. #2 The repair of a big generator that will run the hydro power since there isn’t enough water.

We are still suffering from “jet lag”. We are sleepy at the wrong time in the day and when we go to bed we can’t sleep. We are going to give ourselves a couple more nights before we find a pill to take. HA! HA!

Tim and Kim are great hosts! We are enjoying every minute. One last note: The preacher is feeling good. We have been walking each morning and eating better. Please continue to pray for him.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Sharron! and pastor (have called him that too long!)
    Sorry to take so long to write...where does the time go? Heard about your ankle sorry you've experienced more pain and problems with that and have been praying for you that you will recover if you needed that, right? oh well, all you can say is, the Lord knows best, no doubt. The S.S. class is going great. We have a steady group of regs, usually from 10 - 12, you can count on being there, then when weather's good, perhaps Sunday we had all there plus visitors except for Linda W., I believe...anyway, there is a good spirit and the ladies seem to be very happy to be there. Bonnie F. is still not able to come, but sure misses being at church. Linda W. has really had a bad time with a cyst in her ankle where operated on. Viola's daughter has had a massive stroke and therapy will take quite awhile...please pray for her. We have had coffee and cookies and as you can guess, always brings extra "drop-in's. (who pay a visit w/o fail). ha! We do miss you both. Paul, from my perspective, has been doing a great job in all areas....that is a big order, no doubt. Personally, I feel he's the man for the position, but we'll have to see...many have their own opinions, but he has sure shown he's capable and just trying to stand for what is right and trusting the Lord for whatever comes. I do feel good about the pulpit comm. and believe they are seeking the Lord's direction, and that's my prayer as well. They really seem to be dedicated and sincere in this endeavor. Sounds like you are being well cared for. Will cont. to keep you in my prayers.
    God bless you both!


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