Tuesday, June 14, 2011

June 2011 Prayer Letter

Dear Pastor and Friends,

We are thankful to serve the Lord and see His blessings. We have had 17 saved in meetings of late. We are happy to tell you that a couple over 70 years old accepted Christ, made their public profession, both were baptized and have faithfully attended church since their salvation. We have also seen over $75,000.00 promised to missions in Faith Promise conferences. Several were new churches that had never had conference before.

Our schedule is busy for the summer. We are both doing pretty well but pray for physical strength and safe travel.

We have been invited to be in the Philippines in February 2012. We are excited about seeing the works there and will be preaching all month in churches and graduations.

Please call if I can be of any assistance to you. We will be mostly in New England until November. Thank you for faithfully supporting the ministry God has placed us in. We are excited as God continues to bless and use us to His honor and glory.

Yours for Souls and Church Planting,

Pastor Smith and Sharron

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