Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hello from Tanzania

Our 9 week stay in Tanzania, Africa is quickly coming to an end. The last 2 weeks have been very busy and a great blessing.

The November Bible Institute session was 12 hours of teaching on “Spiritual Gifts”. It was a blessing to hear the national pastors make statements and ask questions about this important subject.

We were invited to hold services in a village one hour from Tabora. We met in a building near a school. You know the Pastor, he loves children. So before the service started he sat in the yard with a group of kids. They could not understand or speak English but he taught them the song “If You’re On Your Way to Heaven, Clap Your Hands”. They all (including the Pastor) had a great time and were glad to see him the next day. There were 19 saved at the village and we thank the Lord for that.

We will drive 6 hours to Mwanza on Friday and will celebrate Thanksgiving Saturday with some American missionaries. The Pastor will preach in Mwanza Sunday. Pray we will be an encouragement to the missionaries and church family there.

We will start home on Friday, December 4th and will arrive in Little Rock December 8th. You will never know how much we miss all of you! Please continue to pray for us as we travel home.


Sunday, November 8, 2009

November 1st - Ordination Service and Baptism

New Pastor, John, baptizing Johnson

Bro. Smith, Pastor John and Missionary Whitfield

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November Prayer Letter

Encouraging Pastor*Helping Churches*Assisting Missionaries

D.W. Smith
Cell Phone: (501) 360-6566 (501) 360-6566
Sending church: Heritage Baptist Temple
4910 Stagecoach Rd. Little Rock, AR 72204

November 3, 2009

Dear Praying Friends and Churches,

We have just completed the first half of our two month mission to Tanzania. It has been a very busy, but fruitful time. Our main goal was to assist missionaries Tim and Kim Whitfield. On Sunday, November 1, 2009, we celebrated the fifth anniversary of Tabora Baptist Temple. The day’s activities included organizing the church into an Independent, Bible Believing, Fundamental Baptist Church. What a proud moment for all of us, but especially for the Whitfields.

Also, we ordained a Tanzanian man, John Masanja, to the ministry, and then called him to be the Pastor of Tabora Baptist Temple. At the conclusion of the service he baptized his first 4 converts. What a victory! We believe the Dear Lord brought us here to participate in this great day. I had the privilege of preaching the charge to the new pastor. The Lord gave me exceptional liberty, even though it was through an interpreter. Also, I met 3 new African pastors that were a great blessing to me.

Please continue to pray for the work here. During November we have another week of Bible Institute. I will be teaching all week out of I Corinthians 12-14 on the subject of Spiritual Gifts, denouncing Scripturally the modern day charismatic movement including the gifts of tongues and healing.

Also, pray for our return home and God’s leading as we preach a number of mission conferences in 2010.

We are looking forward to being back in the good old USA in early December. Thanks for everything.

Sincerely In Christ,

Pastor David Smith

A Church for Every People and the Gospel for Every Person

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